

In the 历史 major, we believe that history is not something you know; it’s something you do. We believe that it’s not just about knowing what happened, 而是关于怎样的知识, 技能, 和 perspectives gained by studying history prepare us to solve real-world problems today.

We offer more than 40 courses in U.S., 欧洲, 亚洲, 拉丁美洲的, 和世界历史, including “Music 和 Politics in 20th Century Europe,”“宗教, 身份, 和亚洲政治,”“种族, 医学, 和社会,” 和 “Early Black Women’s 历史.” Many students complete independent studies 和 honors projects based on independent research at places like the French National Archives, the University of Birmingham (UK), 和杰拉尔德·R. 福特总统图书馆.

不管他们走什么路, students actively engage in discussion, 进行原创性研究, 和 present well-crafted arguments. They leave our classes with a broad 和 deep knowledge of the past 和 the techniques of the historian. They also graduate with the know-how to succeed in a range of graduate programs 和 careers. Our graduates work in libraries, 档案, 博物馆, 和 National Parks as well as in fields like law, 教育, 非营利组织管理, 以及执法部门. Our recent graduates have attended top law schools 和 graduate programs in fields including 历史, 非裔美国人研究, 博物馆研究, Public 和 International Affairs, 神学, 还有社会工作.

Our program also offers a 历史 minor, allowing students of various backgrounds 和 interests to engage with our department, 和 students can also pursue affiliated programs, including 非裔美国人研究, 美国研究, 和性别 & 妇女研究.



Students in our program have many opportunities to augment their classroom work with real-world experiences in the Greater Pittsburgh Area 和 beyond. Our students have excelled as interns at the 亨氏历史中心, 华盛顿 County Historical Society, U.S. Department of Defense Historical Office, 美国国会图书馆, 和 the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, 举几个例子. 每年,det365app的戈登. 斯沃茨历史奖学金 allows a student to intern at a historic site or conduct independent research that leads to an honors project.

Our students also regularly partner with local 和 national organizations to construct exhibits that allow the public to better engage with history. These include oral history programs with local Vietnam veterans 和 the museum exhibit “Down but not Out: Baseball after September 11, 2001,” which students created for the 93航班国家纪念馆 in 2018.

