Studio Art

Major / Minor

工作室艺术专业的学生和未成年人通过在一个充满活力的环境中进行艺术创作来发展他们的创造力和才能. 在2D和3D设计课程中, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, and painting, 学生学习语言, elements, media, tools, 以及工艺原理, 并磨练他们的技能&J的工作室设备齐全.

主修或辅修艺术工作室, 您将通过一系列工作室课程磨练您的创造性思维技能和视觉表达能力, 从绘图和设计的基础开始. 随着课程的进展,你将完成陶瓷、雕塑和绘画的工作室工作. 工作室艺术专业的学生在W&在奥林美术馆举办高级艺术展.


Featured Student Art


Washington & 杰弗逊学院艺术与艺术教育 majors 在春季毕业展示他们的工作在各种媒体在这个年度高级顶点事件, held in 奥林美术馆. 他们在大三开始准备,向艺术系展示早期的概念/艺术创意. 在这次会议之后,他们通过创造一个作品体来进一步研究一种媒介或概念. 与制作艺术品相结合, they work on artists' statements and rehearse an artist talk for the opening night. Usually, 有大批教员参加, families and students in support of the graduating art student.


捐赠基金每年资助到美国的短途旅行.S. art centers and biennial trips to European art capitals at no cost to W&J art students.  休·霍洛威·泰勒出生在夏洛茨维尔, Virginia, in 1941, 1963年毕业于威廉玛丽学院. He received his Master of Arts degree in art history from George Washington University in 1965. 毕业后不久,泰勒 加入了华盛顿和杰斐逊学院,教了近40年的艺术史, retiring in 2002. Known as “The Professor” by his students, Taylor frequently led study courses to Europe. Upon his death in 2008, Taylor endowed the Hugh Taylor Art Travel Fund for students at W&在大学继续亲身体验艺术. 

Cities Traveled: New York City, Washington DC, Florence, Venice, Rome, Madrid, Seville, Granada, Barcelona Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Berlin and Paris 



问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you’re not directly working in the arts, do the art play a role in your life, if so how?

A: 我是一名全职艺术家.

Q: How has/did the W&J art department/program help you in your after undergrad life?

A: Exponentially. Patrick Schmidt, John Lambertson, and Pat Maloney were integral in shaping my relationship to art and art history. 我经常回想起那段时间和那些教训.



问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you’re not directly working in the arts, do the art play a role in your life, if so how?

A: I currently teach art to grades 4-6 at Pine-Richland School District. 这是我的第9年,但我教艺术的第10年. 我真的相信作为一名艺术专业的学生&作为老师,我教我教的是艺术而不是工艺, and it has been more meaningful for my students with that mindset. I have not yet sought a master's, but I plan to get a Master in Fine Arts, someday.

Q: How has/did the W&J art department/program help you in your after undergrad life?

A: The W&艺术系是我在毕业期间和毕业后所能站立的最坚强的基石之一. 我继续向工作人员和其他校友学习,他们已经并将继续以艺术家和教师的身份展示他们自己的作品. 他们自己的成就以及他们的鼓励促使我分享我自己的艺术,并想办法让艺术品在画廊展出.



问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you're not directly working in the arts, do the arts play a role in your life, is so how?

A: I'm a Senior Software Engineer working on clinical trial software. While I don't have as much time as I'd like to dedicate to art, 我仍然保留着一个小工作室,只要有时间就画画.

Q: How has/did the W&J艺术系/项目帮助你毕业后的生活?

A: The art program gave me a solid foundation to pursue art, even as a hobby. I also grew to appreciate forms and styles of art I may otherwise have ignored.



Q: How has/did the W&J艺术系/项目帮助你毕业后的生活?

A: W大学的艺术系&J非常适合我. 不确定自己想要什么样的生活, 个人和专业, the program allowed me to expand on how I thought about things. Being mathematically driven for the better part of my academic career, 我发现自己依靠这些具体的原则来解决生活中更加流动的问题. 通过艺术系的多次讨论, 我在思考上有了某种顿悟,并且能够在解决问题方面释放出新的创造力. 艺术在很多方面都闪耀着光芒, 无论是古典绘画还是雕塑, or in ways of thought. The W&我的艺术系让我成为了一个更好的艺术家, problem solver, dentist, orthodontist, 最重要的是成为一个更好的人. 没有它,我就不会有今天的成就.



Q: If you have gone on to graduate (or post-undergrad training) school, where did you attend, and for what degree?

A: 卡洛大学教育学硕士.

问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you're not directly working in the arts, do the arts play a role in your life, is so how?

A: I currently teach 9-12th grade art at Bridges Preparatory School in Beaufort South Carolina. 这是我在教室里的第11个年头. 在经历了南方不同的学校之后, 我觉得PA(或大多数北方学校)比其他许多大学培养教师的能力要好得多. As for the arts, 我在WashJeff度过了一段美妙的经历, 尤其是能够在佛罗伦萨学习...我非常感激在那里度过的时光.



Q: How has/did the W&J艺术系/项目帮助你毕业后的生活?

A: 我从W中学到了宝贵的技能和人生经验&J Art Department. 我不仅被鼓励成为一个全面发展的艺术家, my professors and peers helped shape me into the person I am today. 当我成长为一名艺术家的时候, developing techniques, in my senior year, 我决定申请法学院. The W&J Art Department made sure that I would always be able to nurture my creative and unique spirit. I made a vow with my art professors that I would always be me, an artist, 不管我以什么为生. 我入职几年了, I am happy to report that I am still marching to the beat of my own drum, 不管别人在做什么. I made a promise to my art mentors that I would never let anyone extinguish my creative flame.



问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you're not directly working in the arts, do the arts play a role in your life, is so how?

A: I am currently a Research and Sales Associate with Winston Wachter Fine Art, a gallery in Chelsea, New York.

Q: How has/did the W&J艺术系/项目帮助你毕业后的生活?

A: 我在W上的工作室艺术课程&J教会了我各种各样的艺术创作技巧,我现在作为一个当代画廊的销售助理应用到我的工作中. 对我来说,深入了解艺术是如何制作的至关重要,这样我才能自信地与客户沟通. 艺术史课程帮助我培养了对不同艺术运动的兴趣,并教会了我如何写艺术. This was really important in my previous role as an auction cataloguer, 现在,当我为det365app的咨询客户写展览或做艺术品研究时,我都会使用它.

Cassandra Olszewski, 19届毕业生

Cassandra Olszewski, 19届毕业生

问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you’re not directly working in the arts, do the art play a role in your life, if so how?

A: Currently working as a mental health counselor at an outpatient clinic utilizing art therapy. 它有助于情绪表达的愈合过程.

Q: How has/did the W&J art department/program help you in your after undergrad life?

A: W&J really pushed me to further analyze my art and what it means to me. 我能够更好地将自己与我的作品联系起来,并最终通过创作艺术的过程更好地了解自己. 这在我的艺术治疗领域尤为重要.



问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you’re not directly working in the arts, do the art play a role in your life, if so how?

A: 我目前是西弗吉尼亚州立大学研究中心的通讯助理主任 & Public Service in Institute, WV (just outside of Charleston, WV). I am in charge of essentially all of the visual communications that come out of our area.

Q: How has/did the W&J art department/program help you in your after undergrad life?

A: While I was at W&J, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to do something in art. 我的导师(Patrick Schmidt)曾建议我参加ITL的一些设计课程,因为他认为我会喜欢并擅长它. 我确信我不会喜欢它,想要离电脑越远越好. 15年后,我每天都在电脑上工作,我仍然热爱它的每一分钟. 我很感激帕特里克在我身上看到了我没有看到的东西,他推动我走出了自己的舒适区.


问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you’re not directly working in the arts, do the art play a role in your life, if so how?

A: 我目前是三一区学区的一名小学美术老师,担任该学区艺术部门的负责人. This is my eleventh year teaching in Pennsylvania's public school system. 我之前在博尼塔斯普林斯教了两年书, 我的艺术生涯是从华盛顿社区艺术文化中心的助理主任开始的, PA in 2005.

Q: How has/did the W&J art department/program help you in your after undergrad life?

答:本科入学时,我有机会和艺术系一起第一次去了纽约市. I experienced the opening of an incredible art installation called "The Gates" in Central Park, 由世界著名艺术家克里斯托和让·克劳德创作. I traveled through galleries in Chelsea and visited the Museum of Modern Art. 成年后,我经常想起这次旅行,以及它如何影响了我作为一名艺术教育者的教学方法.



问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you’re not directly working in the arts, do the art play a role in your life, if so how?

A: 热情宠物公司总经理. I use my graphic design and art knowledge in our social media all the time. 我也创造和销售个人佣金的一面. 

Q: How has/did the W&J art department/program help you in your after undergrad life?

A: The department is a great resource for questions plus a plethora of networking connections.



问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you’re not directly working in the arts, do the art play a role in your life, if so how?

A: I am the Associate Director of Business Development at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. 我在儿童博物馆的展览部工作,负责开发的管理, resources, and administrative needs of the traveling exhibitions program. 我也是AAM NAME(美国博物馆联盟国家博物馆展览协会)专业网络的董事会成员.

Q: How has/did the W&J art department/program help you in your after undergrad life?

A: I developed many skills beyond painting while an undergrad at W&J and many of those skills translated beautifully into my current career. Time Management: Being an art major takes a lot of time management. 你需要了解完成一个项目需要多少时间,然后据此预算时间.



问:你目前的职位/头衔是什么? If you’re not directly working in the arts, do the art play a role in your life, if so how?

A:联蓝百货的商品业务助理, a mission-based apparel company focused on sustainability and water clean-ups. 虽然我目前的工作更多地集中在物流和运营方面,但我在W大学获得的美术学位&J是进入我的硕士课程的必要条件,我知道这个基础将是必要的,因为我将继续我的职业生涯,并能够在大流行后的世界中重新回到创造性的一面.

Q: How has/did the W&J art department/program help you in your after undergrad life?

A: No matter what industry you are in, the foundation's skills taught by the W&J art department are essential for any creative/collaborative environment. 有些人可能具有创造性思维, 但是理解设计理论, knowing how to use it, 能够批判性地检查和批评你的工作是使一个人成为专业人士的原因. 

Studio Art Snapshot

Beyond the Classroom

艺术和艺术史系的学生有很多亲身体验艺术的旅行机会. The College funds yearly trips to sites in New York and other major cities, as well as similar excursions to European art capitals every other year. On previous trips abroad, cities visited include Budapest, Rome, Paris, and Madrid.

Our students actively engage in creating and promoting art on campus, in and out of class.  项目作为公共艺术在奥林美术中心的大厅和庭院以及其他校园建筑中展出. Visitors to Olin will find student paintings, projects, and other pieces lining the walls. 老年人展示他们的作品, ranging from paintings and sculptures to pieces created in other unique media, during the Senior Show in the Olin Fine Art Gallery each spring, 一个对校园和社区都开放的活动.