Alondra Martinez Osorno at 华盛顿 & det365app

W&J Senior One of Only 15 in Nation to Receive NIH Scholarship Award

Created: 2020年9月28日  |  Last Updated: September 3, 2021  |  Category: , ,   |标签: , , ,

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(九月). 28, 2020) – Alondra Martinez Osorno believes in seizing opportunities. 这就是华盛顿 & det365app senior has done with each internship experience, 和 what led her to apply for – 和 win – a prestigious award from The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest biomedical research center in the United States.

Awarded to only 15 students in the nation this year, the Undergraduate Scholarship Program 作为交换,她必须参加为期10周的暑期实习, 和 work in the NIH Intramural Research Program for one year upon graduation.

“I’d come so far with the application 和 I was just thinking ‘I need to get it.“我真的很想要. I didn’t want to put semi-finalist on a resume,”她说。. “I got my email 和 contract 和 I just cried happy tears. I cried for a moment, I thanked God, 和 then I told my family 和 friends.”

A graduate of Canon-MacMillan High School in Canonsburg, Pa., Martinez Osorno is now a senior 生物物理学法国 W双学位&J. 她是在寻找W推荐的类似机会时发现NIHaward学金的&J教授, 在这些教授的帮助下,她准备好接受一个具有挑战性的申请和面试过程. 她说,面试中最让她印象深刻的问题是关于美国国立卫生研究院的多样性. She hadn’t planned an answer to the question, but had plenty to say on the topic. 马丁内斯·奥索尔诺是第一代大学生,他的家庭最初来自墨西哥. She also recognizes a lack of women in her field.

“The more you interact with diverse people, the more you diversify your ideas. 这扩大了你的视野,你的投入,你对他人的考虑。. “It makes you a more wholesome person, 和 I think it also helps normalize diversity. 这不应该是一件大事,但它确实是一件大事,因为仍需要取得进展. 如果你有一个社会经济多元化和种族多元化的社区,那么你可以加强与社区内外的联系.”

Alondra Martinez Osorno in the lab.
Alondra Martinez Osorno culturing heart cells in Dr. Hookway’s lab at Binghamton University

Martinez Osorno wants to go to grad school for biomedical engineering, 并计划利用她的跨学科背景,在生物医学领域的商业方面追求职业生涯. 她的最终目标是拥有一家公司,生产与人体系统自然集成的医疗设备, 提供更健康, more effective treatment for patients.

She said her experiences at W&我为她的成功做好了准备. As a freshman, she served as a student research assistant at W&J, working alongside chemistry professor Dr. 帕特丽夏Brletic to synthesize cobalt crystals for an inorganic chemistry class. 大二之后, 她被宾厄姆顿大学本科生物医学工程研究项目录取, 她在一个为期10周的项目中研究了酒精对胎儿心脏细胞的影响. 同一个夏天, she spent three weeks working at a hospital in Leuven, 比利时, where she was a visiting research student in fetal medicine. The experience allowed her to shadow several doctors, 和 made her think a bit more about where her own future might take her. 2020年夏天,她在加州大学圣地亚哥分校生物工程系完成了生物材料的在线实习.

副教授 Jennifer Logan Bayline博士.D. 她说,马丁内斯·奥索尔诺获得award学金证明了她的学术能力,也证明了W&J’s science programs help students be competitive for national awards. 她说,她对马丁内斯·奥索尔诺在争取这个机会时表现出的主动性感到特别自豪.

“What strikes me about Alondra is her open mind 和 her diverse interests, ranging from biological physics to 法国. Alondra seeks out opportunities 和 they’ve paid off,” Bayline said. “我认为Alondra对科学的真正兴趣和热情以及全球经验使她成为NIH的有力候选人.”

马丁内斯·奥索尔诺还想创办一本杂志,旨在为女性提供在STEM领域取得成功所需的资源, including information about scholarships 和 other opportunities. She is also an advocate for home internet access, recognizing this as an overlooked resource that some students do not have. 她希望她的award学金能鼓励其他可能没有考虑过这个机会的学生去尝试, 她愿意帮助任何对她的经历或award学金申请有疑问的学生.

“有时候让别人在你之前做这件事会有帮助,因为这样你就有人可以问了,”她说。. “我还认为,有时候你必须开创先例,成为一位前所未有的总统.”

关于 the National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship Program
美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)本科award学金计划(UGSP)为来自代表性不足的背景并致力于生物医学事业的学生提供有竞争力的award学金, 行为, 和 social science health-related research. 美国国立卫生研究院是世界上最重要的医学研究中心之一,也是美国联邦医学研究的焦点. 美国国立卫生研究院的使命是“寻求关于生命系统的性质和行为的基本知识,并应用这些知识来增强健康。, 延长生命, 和 reduce illness 和 disability.” For more information about the UGSP, visit

对华盛顿 & det365app
华盛顿 & det365app, located in 华盛顿, Pa., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. 致力于为每一位学生提供最高质量的本科教育, W&J提供传统的艺术和科学课程,强调跨学科研究和独立研究工作. 欲了解更多关于W&J、访问,或致电888 - w -和-杰.